05 December 2009

2009 is end soon!

''2009 is end soon!''this may my last write blog in 2009.time is pass fast and fast,did u guys realize the time is run too much faster!my yesterday is still 2008,but now is 2010 soon.what to say for this year,i hope me and my friends get good result in spm ''ALL THE BEST GUYS''.We will never know what will be happen in the next right?but i really hope no matter how friend remember me,put me in your heart at the corner!i will say thanks...curently i having two more subjek then over my spm!HOW I FEEL?scare,happy,IT'S complicated to describe my feeling now!Quite pressure,in this moments i can't imaging that i still can be here for writen blog..how wonderful it's although monday got ekonomi but i feel nothings!This year let me know what is really true friend,never never know my bestie will say that behind me,he and my 5years memory is gone now!i feel unbelievable but still have to face the true.BYE secondary BYE 2009.......................it's my last sweet seventeen!

15 September 2009

Every time

''Every time'',every time i pass by you it's the time i acting.I acting childish it's just because to get attention from you.Hope you can care me a bit,but every time i with you i feel very unhappy nowadays did you know that?you know why i do so much of idiot things?,its just because why,sometimes i just hope you can care me more then ur friend.You know what i feel every time with ur friend and you?I feel strange to with you,i am like a stranger inside there,say badly i feel we have a distance.It a feel that i never feel before,i think we really need have a talk you know?When i trying to start to talk about it,you always say ''i'am tired,i want sleep already,talk tomorrow!!''.That is a sentence that you always say to me,i am scare actually,scare that u will not care of me one day,scare the feeling.i dont want it happen so that i did much idiot things.we starting have argue and you less calling me!can you tell me what was happen and why?izit you dont love me anymore?Can you say everythings clearly.DEAR,i starting feel tired to this game,feel wanted to end this game.HOPE the time can return to the time of beginning that we have start this game. :)

19 August 2009

3.10++in the starry mid night

''3.10++in the starry mid night'',feel so stress.tired....need to rest!later on having exam 'bahasa melayu'.i keep on study but i know is no use but just atleast not make myself to feel badly.KNOW?although that the result is not good but i have try my best!in the feel pass months,i have totally give up...give up my future.Suddenly,i feel that i am change not as like last time the KO KHANG KEAT already,i am strong last time!i hope to be cry but NO,i dont aloud that be happen on me!as what people say''guy blooding,no crying''MEDICAL IMAGING,can i really enough the credit to take this?just need 3 credit how come i feel so hard now?As last time i would not feel that, it will be very easy for me!GOD!can u help me?i am affraid!i am really affraid that.if my result is bad,how i going to face everyone my family my friend and others.HOW?I am regret that i am not study hard last time,can the time return but it wont be happen!everythings too late,u say no?but i tell u i will because i am tired now!sorry that anyone who put hope on me! let it be natural ok?result is good or bad jus let the god to help me to comfirm!

11 July 2009

My future

''My Future",first i am a kid a 17 years old kid.This year is spm already,this is a chance to make my future my life more better it's because everyone have their own dream.My dream is Fly away from this house this darkness and this much of pressure house,i want to fly to a place that is colorful as the rainbow and there is my new life.This year may is my last year in secondary school with my friends.I remember i having a promise to my friends,i will help them to find a better job after this and we having our own cafe shop ofcourse it's not just only selling cup cake and chocolate ball la.FRIENDS believe me!AS what i always say if u think u can u sure can!FRIENDS,u remember how we going to plan our cafe shop?hahah....''fish leg''.who say 5pi NO FuTURED?

03 June 2009


''Thanks'',thanks that what u have did to me,did a happy and hope to me,u giving me all that.U let me trust that it will be happen,trust that can get a true love.It was never happen on me even dreaming but u are the one let it be happen on me now!Sometimes i have think that what i really can do for u,Even how much i have do is not enough u have do to me,being here i glad to having this chance to say thanks to u!u are the best in my heart,i enjoy and happy to be with u all the time.You always asking me why i often write blog did u noe why i often write blog nowadays?All because of u,now me already have u.Blog is just a place that let me rest let me feel safety when i need.But now i have u,i feel safety all the time,blog got no use for me now.you are my another choices now,the best choices.Dear,promise me ok?let my life to be with u continue the life let us face everythings,walk togethers.:)

30 April 2009

Kedah wedding

'Kedah wedding',25april2009.THE happy trip start from here,me and my family early wake up to the airport in the morning.We are so decided to go kedah,when we reach kedah first place that we go is the pasar that we always go.hahaha,so miss there so much,long time no see.then we go to my cousin house that near by the pasar,cousin want maried already,big girl liao noe to fly liao.Wakaka...everyone oso change face already,all got bf & gf got baby somemore make me jealous,too bad my lover not there with me!:(....i saw puppy in my grandmother house,so cute is toy poodle,small size one!Wakakaka..so miss my popo:( she at upstair,dunno wether she know my cousin maried already mah?hope she saw it....hahah!stop that.Everyone so happy on that day,girl make up guy changing shirt!Finaly we reach the restoran,so hungry!!!In our table all leng zai leng lui,pai seh.I saw my friend there from kl also,so happy fianly got a friend there,and make me suprised also.The next day we go penang shopping and makan a lot food lo,so nice!hahaha,but too bad that its also the last day we ll be there!i ll be back my food my cousin my popo.

22 April 2009

passing by

'PASSING BY'that was a so amazing such like a story between me and a girl.Just a passing by memory ,in the world i don't think so much of people same like us...in this timing 4.51am in the mid nite 23 april 2009.In this moment,i am so bored and moody,suddenly a girl was chating with me,and the amazing story start from there.After we chat,i ask her for the friendster and i saw one of her pic i can realize that i saw her before in one of the day last year 2008,that time me and my friends was count town.Suddenly a pretty girl with her family passing by,its maybe the god let me got chance to know her.Her pretty making my eyes keep looking at her,important is she in my MSN list very long time agos,and i never realize it.Somemore i tot the pic that she showing is fake and i keep asking 'ITS THAT U'because she look like so amazing,and i ask her izit she go to time square for countown last year,the place the timing the describe all is corect,so amazing so suddenly,that was like a story in a movie!can u realize?her face look like a angel and having a kind of smile with the face!AND that girl name 'SIEW MEI'.when u got a friend in ur list call siew mei...believe me the picture is really her!she are from malaysia not taiwan,china or even japan people.maybe this passing by memory is a way god want us to meet up,hope the amzing story 'passing by' will continue.

12 April 2009


'PRESSURE'finaly this year is form5,have to face to spm.Quite much of pressure also!i have been long long time agos never went to school this year,my mum found a lot tuition for me but curently i just got one home teacher for teaching math and ekon.'STUDY'is this important?i think so!but did 'THEY' really know or i should use understand to describe how much of presure i have to face to?its not easy as what you have think..i am just a kid!did u remember that?can just stop force me not to do everythings,i know you are jus worry me,but please can u stop it!i think its much of enough.too much of caring!i apologizes here for saying those. but i am not just face to a things(study) i got to face others more.i know what myself need to do the next,i really really know it.My life such as shudder,the end the winner ll be me!thanks for support!when i need u,u ll always beside me all the time.

15 March 2009

Respect the relationship

'Respect the relationship' just learn it from some one else!A true relationship does't easy to get it or catch it!when u have it u does't care it,that was human life just such as step by step until the relationship is end,you regret you sad or others but this is all did by ur own self.u have found a love in the million of people even that is not ur 'true' love but it atleast a person that u have really love before,the short moments even unhappy or happy after a long time it will be a sweet memory.In human heart everyone have a lock and caring a key to found thier own key and a lock that really suitable for ur key!i think everyone should hear a fairy tales story before,'cinderella'.A story that we really need to learn from them!A girl who name cinderella really find his own key and the love,the true love 'the prince'.Every story have the started and the ending!The relationship that we have now or in the feture it may a short moments a forever but if u have did a wrong step,the realationship will be disappear ir ur life!Respect the relationship when u have if not u will be regret in the feture!:)

10 March 2009

without you

''without you''So happy to be with u dear,we already together for few days!i wrote this blog hope that our 'STORY' will start from here and forever can continue it!thanks dear that what you give to me,ur caring and loving!Happy to with u that night,maybe it ll be a normal night but for me is a good memory night.I ll forever remember that night with you!Finaly i found it my 'true love',thanks the god to giving me this birthday present!its my best present in my life!i hope our LOVE will be end but its end until that day we have dead.Can we did it?can we did a FAIRY TALES story?and the character in the story is me & you.My life now was cant alive without you,you are my life now!In the feture we will having a sweet home and two little puppy,i hope!i will always beside u when u sad & happy.xxx LOVE xxx....MUAKX....

09 March 2009

Happy Birthday


''HAPPY BIRTHDAY''mac 9,happy birthday to myself!So happy to celebrate my big big day in this year!FRIEND LOVER PARENTS~help to celebrate...good moments good timing good present good place good romance good cake good suprised & nice memory!I being here to thank all my friend lover parents for helping me to celebrate and ur present!THANK alan to be my driver OUR Chow Kit 1 day trip.It may a short time or simple celebration but its enough me to keep the sweet memory inside my heart a side!So hard to descibe it but thanks that all of u still remember my birthday date expecially who sending birthday wish masage for me...its a long time never get news from U but so happy & suprised to get all of ur masage!Everything so suddenly.THANKS for 'U'STARBUCKS cheese cake make my sakit perut,but happy to being with u!HAHAHA...happy is i get a lot of present!i love it all so much:)missing u dear

12 February 2009


'February',wah... february already,so fast!hahaha.....this months i think should be a good time for couples bah?wakaka...you know why?'VALENTINES' soon lo.SINGLE don't sad,still got times a lot of single available.Around my friend was prepare about the valentines present n suprised.So jealous them,because i was at home that day:(can't out lo...but NVM la.Although u not beside me that day,but having you is my FOREVER valentines.But ofcouse la must have some suprised for we two olso lo...let me think??XXXXXXXbla bla....privacy no telling!But u look like don't mind about it oh?SORRY lo because of me can't celebrate valentines with u:(but i ll try my best de BELIEVE me,have the chance de..i believe still have second third and more years to celebrate with you!Our LOVE will 'LoooooooooooooooooooNGER' FOREVER....DEAR! i being here wish to told u 'HAPPY VALENTINES' & 'I LOVE YOU'.Even i can't beside u but i promise the next year or next next year ,the day of valentines i will beside you and tolding u i love u,i will sing along the song to u.....'FOREVER LOVE'.

05 February 2009

Home is just for REST

Home is just for REST,i can't imagine have this kind of home.I just hope have a normal home atleast never have argue home.But today i just know the money is more important then thier son!don't they know its hurt for me.last time i never realize that my home ll become worse like it.what i hope is just a simple house!A happy family...but too bad i don't have it!i look at them i feel unfortable,they look scary.In the time i know this home is never be stay,i have to leave here!and i know this home is just for me to rest!i crying this moment,now is raining and my tears drop down as the rain.i duno what i support to do now..very confuse.the sound of my heart stop a minutes and i close eyes and saw a darkness and a shodow,i was as the shodow,i keep run and run and run..i scare but i duno why i scare for!but i just know that is only ways i can do now is keep runing.the rain make me feel cool,i beg them not to do that.but they doest listen..my head was blank,i need someone to beside me,but no one was!i hope he can be appear in my life forever.I HATE HIM..

26 January 2009


"ACTING'',Me acting my own character ''KO KHANG KEAT'',everyone have his own character maybe i am not the character that is most perfect but at least i am the one of most special in the million.I happy to being myself,my own "CHARACTER",i am trying to acting it...facing everything bad or sad,i am always trying my best,in front ''of'' u what is my character it's in your eyes?just a kid that is childish or in-mature?I really hope to know from u.U leave me alone in the darkness,don't u wont feel sad?why don't u give me a ''CHANCE'' to change myself?just one times i hope!I am such as the ''CLOWN'',a clown that always keep ''SMILE'' as well making people happy,but did u know the clown thinking or his feeling?He be force to smile always just hope to make around of his friend and parents more happy!wow...life keep changing from a age to a age and get more older,every years pass and pass until the life is end!Before the life is end can u tell me the true,are u really love me before?how long it's?a second a hour a day a month or even forever?hey dude,i will be trying my best to acting my character well because i know u are always around me as the air, i can realize it....your ''refuel''.I don't hope have forever just hope a second to being with u!

15 January 2009

Mid night

Mid night,its going to be morning soon,the darkness was gone soon.The darkness gone same as the person is gone in my life too!I am trying to facing every things,friend told me face it but its not easy as u say.Suddenly remember when i start in puppy love,the wonderful love...end hurt.Just now i chat with a person that i like last time,i tot myself was already forgive the person but i doest.Myself imagine if that time i still with the person,maybe now we are a happy couple,maybe?The time is pass too fast,it really fast as in the minutes.Same as the darkness was gone in the minutes,i am afraid the darkness is gone,because i scare the person ll be gone same as the darkness,i scare when in the darkness but i also scare to lose the person,in the darkness my tears was easy drop as the rain.my tears drop because of u,my heart broke.Maybe we really not suitable to be a couple,as long as we still having a nice memory,rite?i will always remember u are the one give me hope and make me more stronger,at least when i sad u will always beside me but maybe have no the chance.The fairy doest put true love on my body,mean the true love wont happen on me forever or maybe the world doest have true love at all..true love just a lier.

04 January 2009

Fxxking God

Wow,..i hate cow year because never have luck this year!Everyday be vexed,the fairy was forget put the luck on my body when i am sleeping.After few hours i gonna awake for schooling start,but that not a bad news that i want say,that is i don't think that i can be going to school later..u wan know why?Ask the god why before u ask me why..the god give me a lot of test in my life,god put much of hopes on me but i beg god can u give up on me!I am just a kid a 17years old kid!the way for my test is enough for me..the test make me tired,i have no more of energy to continue my test now,between that i gonna have a big test exam this year,can god let me hitch after this exam..don't make me worry this worry that ,too much and enough i tell u god!Everyday from the hopes to the disapointed,how much u wan did to me some more?can u let it end!Gives me a better and simple life!i beg u please..u think u r god and u can did anythings to us?FUCK off i tel u!Everyone have power to choose their own life,u cant control all of us!I am SIMPLE I am KID I am CHEAP I am In-mature As Long As I am Myself