07 May 2011


'NEVER KNOW',life is curious,curious as we are human,never know where human from never know what human think of,we will never know course we not the god,god are the one who watching us,and god give us love,but sometimes love give us the sweet memory and also hurt,i don't even know who am i really are,what kind of ppl is me now?there is a lot of unknown in my mind refresh and refresh and we should't know the anwser.My mind was like a dictionary there is million of question and i am trying to checking out from it,same thing i was in the morning again now,writing the blog and talk about my life and my unknow question,the distance of the shadow btw me is so far away since from last time the nearest to now, i can't watch though of my shadow clearly,look at outside from the window night to morning,from darkness to brightness,and i just hope one day i can be the brightness one and away from darkness,i am waiting and excited...what is the next of the story of mine again?curious and never know, can't guess up can't catch up.