06 November 2010

the dream

'The dream',i never sleep since yesterday until this early morning.The reason why i can't sleep is because the same thing i worry about my future.Although i dunno what will be happen on me in the future but i would like to think 'HOW' can i change my life my future?It may just a dream in this moment but if i never think about it,i believe i will never have chance to geting a better life.dunno why the way to the destination is so far away and no matter how fast i trying to run i still can't reach it.i am tired but i keep telling myself that i got to do it,because it;s just my only hope and chances.it's been long time i never wrote blog,i remember i have write a blog lastime about why am i write blog because i felt better after say it out all of my secret and the pain.my health seem worse and worse,but i hope before i getting worse i can do it 'geting better life',so i will stay stronger facing to the sickness and fight with it alone.I BELIEVE MY LUCK WILL BE COMING SOON ONE DAY...WATCH UPS~ =)