'February',wah... february already,so fast!hahaha.....this months i think should be a good time for couples bah?wakaka...you know why?'VALENTINES' soon lo.SINGLE don't sad,still got times a lot of single available.Around my friend was prepare about the valentines present n suprised.So jealous them,because i was at home that day:(can't out lo...but NVM la.Although u not beside me that day,but having you is my FOREVER valentines.But ofcouse la must have some suprised for we two olso lo...let me think??XXXXXXXbla bla....privacy no telling!But u look like don't mind about it oh?SORRY lo because of me can't celebrate valentines with u:(but i ll try my best de BELIEVE me,have the chance de..i believe still have second third and more years to celebrate with you!Our LOVE will 'LoooooooooooooooooooNGER' FOREVER....DEAR! i being here wish to told u 'HAPPY VALENTINES' & 'I LOVE YOU'.Even i can't beside u but i promise the next year or next next year ,the day of valentines i will beside you and tolding u i love u,i will sing along the song to u.....'FOREVER LOVE'.