13 February 2010

life is complicated

''Life Is complicated'',when the day i born to this world i know that myself can't regret because it's my life.A human life is much complicated,it can't to describe or explain.Our life is choose by the god as it like.God,i am tired you know that?is my life need to be like that or you are playing me around!This few months have many screen pass though in my mind,dunno why i suddenly think about it,i am trying to forget it i tell myself i am trying and trying but no matter how the screen still repeat repeat refresh it again and again.I miss you...hope you always here all the time to with me,when i need you,you will be here!You as a charger and i am a phone,phone can't without the charger,because the battery can't last longer without charger.As like me,i can't without you...i need you to with me to face everything.This year shall be my bad year,don't feel good a all,too much things happen on me,spm result is out soon,will the god still playing me...i hope not.God,give me last chance although is too late.my parent put too much hope on me,i scare i will make them disapointed again.....i beg you god :(