04 January 2009

Fxxking God

Wow,..i hate cow year because never have luck this year!Everyday be vexed,the fairy was forget put the luck on my body when i am sleeping.After few hours i gonna awake for schooling start,but that not a bad news that i want say,that is i don't think that i can be going to school later..u wan know why?Ask the god why before u ask me why..the god give me a lot of test in my life,god put much of hopes on me but i beg god can u give up on me!I am just a kid a 17years old kid!the way for my test is enough for me..the test make me tired,i have no more of energy to continue my test now,between that i gonna have a big test exam this year,can god let me hitch after this exam..don't make me worry this worry that ,too much and enough i tell u god!Everyday from the hopes to the disapointed,how much u wan did to me some more?can u let it end!Gives me a better and simple life!i beg u please..u think u r god and u can did anythings to us?FUCK off i tel u!Everyone have power to choose their own life,u cant control all of us!I am SIMPLE I am KID I am CHEAP I am In-mature As Long As I am Myself