11 July 2009

My future

''My Future",first i am a kid a 17 years old kid.This year is spm already,this is a chance to make my future my life more better it's because everyone have their own dream.My dream is Fly away from this house this darkness and this much of pressure house,i want to fly to a place that is colorful as the rainbow and there is my new life.This year may is my last year in secondary school with my friends.I remember i having a promise to my friends,i will help them to find a better job after this and we having our own cafe shop ofcourse it's not just only selling cup cake and chocolate ball la.FRIENDS believe me!AS what i always say if u think u can u sure can!FRIENDS,u remember how we going to plan our cafe shop?hahah....''fish leg''.who say 5pi NO FuTURED?