03 June 2009


''Thanks'',thanks that what u have did to me,did a happy and hope to me,u giving me all that.U let me trust that it will be happen,trust that can get a true love.It was never happen on me even dreaming but u are the one let it be happen on me now!Sometimes i have think that what i really can do for u,Even how much i have do is not enough u have do to me,being here i glad to having this chance to say thanks to u!u are the best in my heart,i enjoy and happy to be with u all the time.You always asking me why i often write blog did u noe why i often write blog nowadays?All because of u,now me already have u.Blog is just a place that let me rest let me feel safety when i need.But now i have u,i feel safety all the time,blog got no use for me now.you are my another choices now,the best choices.Dear,promise me ok?let my life to be with u continue the life let us face everythings,walk togethers.:)