10 March 2009

without you

''without you''So happy to be with u dear,we already together for few days!i wrote this blog hope that our 'STORY' will start from here and forever can continue it!thanks dear that what you give to me,ur caring and loving!Happy to with u that night,maybe it ll be a normal night but for me is a good memory night.I ll forever remember that night with you!Finaly i found it my 'true love',thanks the god to giving me this birthday present!its my best present in my life!i hope our LOVE will be end but its end until that day we have dead.Can we did it?can we did a FAIRY TALES story?and the character in the story is me & you.My life now was cant alive without you,you are my life now!In the feture we will having a sweet home and two little puppy,i hope!i will always beside u when u sad & happy.xxx LOVE xxx....MUAKX....

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