17 June 2012

'What love really stand for?',in the early mid night again for me to wrote the blog here to describe or speak out my feeling,what love really stand for?A sleep less night for me,the mind have a lot of unknown question again about love,i lost my way about what love really stand for after my ear had hear some of my friend love story,a disapointed ending when the hope given by the god and taken away by god, what the god are actually think of, or god are trying give us some lesson thru the pain to know better about love?yes..i hope so and wishing here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love stand for something u believe.. Someone you will fight for although he/she broke ur heart few times. Someone you will thinking of him every second. Everything that u buy, u will buy it two, one for u and one for him/her. When u have a great news, he/she will be first person u thinking to share. When u sad, he/she will be the person u thinking off. He/she will make u tears a lot, for happy moment or sad moment.