20 January 2011

crazy in the mid night 4.52am

''Crazy in the mid night 4.52am'',As usual i wanted to complain here about my life,life is having a lot of step to walk though,life can be simple and also complicated.For me i am more to complicated,if u ask how complicated am i,i will anwser my life is suck very very the suck,why?you ask me why?i wanted to give up but everytime my mind keep remind myself i got to be strong,but we are juat a human,we still need to rest to get more strong,and no why just because i am not the hero super man,when is the day?if you ask me why.better you ask the god why,no why no reason.The god was playing us such like a game,the god control us and plan for us everything in our life.Hey fucking god,who you think you are?i does't need you help me to plan,thank you so much.that is my life,you hear that?=)

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