05 July 2010

In the early morning

''In the early morning''i haven't sleep since yerterday.i have a lot question in my mind.i was worrying about my future,my healthy been more worse and worse now.I am still young now but does't mean that i am affraid about the dead,it's because i havent done a lot things yet.I wanted to take care of my mother and wait till my siblings having a sweet home before i go.If i really go in the second,i will like to tell 'you' i missing you all the time,and i know from we are together,in my mind i given myself a promise you ll be the one share my sadness and happyness.I will love you forever and with you no matter what.Everytime when you calling me maybe the way i talk is bad but i am happy when i see ur call.beside that,i was think human life is just simple,a human is waiting to pass the time from a second,minutes,hours and days till the end.every body got the chance to say bye to others to end of thier life.life is just shorten,still waiting for what,do somethings that is proud of urself,such like say i love you to ur lover or even ur parents,its may just a sentence but it will make the person remember you,not need to think,do it right now,still waiting the durian drop?YA!THE LIFE IS SHORTEN as the time u wait for durian drop.if you see this post,go online and hear song ''its too late to apologize''the song describe what i am trying to tell.bye~those is just my question.i have really do it but how about you?=)

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