12 April 2009


'PRESSURE'finaly this year is form5,have to face to spm.Quite much of pressure also!i have been long long time agos never went to school this year,my mum found a lot tuition for me but curently i just got one home teacher for teaching math and ekon.'STUDY'is this important?i think so!but did 'THEY' really know or i should use understand to describe how much of presure i have to face to?its not easy as what you have think..i am just a kid!did u remember that?can just stop force me not to do everythings,i know you are jus worry me,but please can u stop it!i think its much of enough.too much of caring!i apologizes here for saying those. but i am not just face to a things(study) i got to face others more.i know what myself need to do the next,i really really know it.My life such as shudder,the end the winner ll be me!thanks for support!when i need u,u ll always beside me all the time.


sinyew said...

of course u can study at home...even without tuition if you want...you missed school..your parents are helping you..nice..they love u..the best way to escape is study .. go to college ..get a degree..get a job..earn money...and be independent.

love your music selection..i normally hate music but i like yours...

take care..its tough growing up...and it sounds like its even tougher for you..

иιcкч said...

nth la...i understand wht ur mean and i get ur point,i wrote it jus becouse i hope i relieve out my feeling...not to keep!but by the way thx for ur caring!^^