29 December 2008

End Year

End Year 2008,this year gonna be so wonderful of my life because every things was fine.Er...not really all but almost!hahaha..X-Mas was gone but a New Year gonna be start soon.Too bad...school start soon too...going to study already,SPM next year.Everyday have tuition no time to hang out already,so scare.I dun hope my SPM result will all get A's but atleast pass please,GOD!did u heard what i say?day by day everyday pass so fast.Turn a round,me going to 17 years old,times gone so fast just such as in a minutes..every things was change!Dunno weather next year my new life it be will better then this year or not?i know it will be!Haiz...before the new year start,i suddenly far in love on her,so bad.Everyday chat with her,every night cannot sleep because of 'U'.U told me that ur age now is not suitable for couple,i understand what u mean,but i really hope u be my girl rite now,u told me that the world wont have 'forever',but can u just trust me,can u let me 'forever' be happen,give me a chance to do it...i know i ll be regret if i never did it,atleast a chance it maybe ll be happen...can u with me to do it together or 'forever'.By the way,i will wait for u until that day u acept me!Let us did a 'forever' story!

23 December 2008

House Of US

'Yesterday once more -By Carpenters'..i heard this song let me remember a lot of memory.Yesterday i have heard somethings bad from my friend,the house 'HOUSE OF US' gonna be moving,behind of the house is much of memory much of our story,MUCH of happy and sad memory there...i never expect have this day to be happen,its was a group of friend in that house,everyone such as a best friend,the whole friend in that house playing around and chating together everyday,the happy moment.But it's wont be happen again and again anymore,i think it will be a sad kes to me,duno why i cant describe my feeling now,Erm...how to say it??not grudge...NOW everyone gonna move...house moving,the guys move too!U guys going have thier own LIFE rite now!will u guys remember each others expecialy me?i hope so...i hope u guys will be remember what we have did in the happy times.I will always remember u guys,i really very very wish that we can all together again to continue our 'HOUSE OF PLU' story!will us have this day?i believe it will be happen again to us!hope u guys will still remember me this kid'NICKY'.ME this passing traveler!!:)

20 December 2008

MY day

START FROM MY school holidays,one word to explain it is 'worse',i was telling myself izit alright the anwser is 'nope nope and NOPE...'wow...what fucking life it's,should have some fun to this kind of small KID or MAN of us??BUT me NICK choose working...how to explain it just the same OH MY GOD,it's such as ending my life rite now...Hooh...finaly i get defect...i stop my stupid job rite now...but now does't feel more better then that...hope to ending my life by my own because is FUCKING bored at home everyday,did u know my FEELING?,nope u wont!Urgh...actually bored does't worse then somethings else,that is i have to face to my FUCKING 'loving'[urgh,too BAD] dad ,can u just imagine how i going to face to a mential problem and without brand person everyday,hey just kill me up!Rite now,my parents was went out for SHOPPING,how happy are them now...HAIZ...and me just can stay alone at home because of some fucking fucking reason...the fucking ELEPHANT LEG...oh too big!NOPE...i am not alone,still have some1 transparent at downstair,did u noe wht i mean of lady and gentlemen?Ya,thats it!..